Thursday, January 15, 2009

NYC Cloud Computing Meetup

Last night's NYC Cloud Computing Meetup was another successful event. I think there were twenty attendees, not including the two speakers, Geir Magnusson from 10Gen and Helena May of AppNexus.

Geir gave a good overview of the state of data persistence in the cloud, from Amazon's S3 to Google BigTable to his company's offering. It was quite informative. The tech guys got pretty into it.

Helena's pesentation on what her company offers really jazzed up the business types in the crowd. Succintly, AppNexus offers a production-grade alternative to Amazon's EC2 with 100% uptime, SLAs and the like.

If you're interested in cloud computing are are near NYC, you really should check us out. The crowd is pretty interactive and there are always good discussions going on.

Next month's meeting should be very interesting; the organizer, John D'Esposito, volunteered me to give a presentation on Google's AppEngine. I just have to figure out what I'm going to say! Stay tuned!

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